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Attorney Fees CostExpungement Cost
Immigration Attorney CostLegal Name Change Cost
Mediation CostRecovering a Towed Vehicle Cost
Removing a Car Boot CostRestraining Order Cost
Small Claims Court CostTraffic Ticket Attorney Cost
Legal: Criminal Law
Criminal Attorney CostDrug Defense Attorney Cost
DUI Attorney CostFelony Defense Attorney Cost
Shoplifting Defense Attorney Cost 
Legal: Family Law
Alimony CostAnnulment Cost
Child Custody Attorney CostChild Support Cost
Child Support Attorney CostDivorce Cost
Juvenile Crime Attorney CostPrenuptial Agreement Cost
Legal: Liability Law
Asbestos Attorney CostCar Accident Lawsuit Cost
Dog Bite Lawsuit CostElder Abuse Lawsuit Cost
Medical Malpractice Lawsuit CostPersonal Injury Lawyer Cost
Product Liability Attorney CostProperty Damage Lawsuit Cost
Slip and Fall Lawsuit Cost